Mass Intention: People of the Parish

The Mass intention “Priest’s Intention” indicates that Fr. John will offer Mass for the intentions of the “People of the Parish”. If the Mass should be celebrated by another priest, then that priest’s own intentions will apply.

Help needed!

The Piccadilly Fun Day on Saturday, 30th June, is our biggest fundraising event of the year where we work together with Our Lady’s Academy and have a fantastic time. Could you help out on the day? Could you run a stall, a food stall, or do you have any other...


On Saturday, 16th June, the diocesan pilgrimage to Walsingham will take place. There will be a coach leaving Our Lady’s at 7am. Depending on the traffic, the coach will be back before the Indian Cuisine starts in the evening. Seats (£15 per seat) can be booked via the...