Thank you from Christ the King School

Thank you for the support with the pub quiz. We managed to make a profit of £750. This will pay for three students to go to Lourdes. It would not have been possible without the wonderful support of you and parishioners.

Good news for the east midlands

Compiled by Fr. Anthony. £20 from a bookshop or £16 if purchased through the parish (copies available in the sacristy) or the website

SPANNED “Still the Same People”

SPANNED—Supporting People with Additional Needs in the Diocese of Nottingham—have produced a publication about their work with people with dementia. Copies of the book are available for £3 a copy. They have also published a prayer card for Eucharistic Ministers giving...

The Ascension of the Lord

Thursday is the feast of Christ’s Ascension into heaven and is a Holy Day of Obligation. Please note the change of Mass times. All are welcome to the Masses on Wednesday evening (Infant of Prague) and Thursday (our schools and Our Lady’s church). Mass on Thursday...

250 Club Winners for April 2018

1st Prize            £150      No. 139              Darryl Karim 2nd Prize           £75        No. 124              Mick Hornsby 3rd Prize           £50        No. 159              M M Landy Prizes may be collected from the sacristy or the office. Thank you to those...