Youth Group

Can you spare a couple of hours once a month to facilitate the spiritual, emotional and social wellbeing of the young people in our parish? The youth group are looking for new volunteers to help run sessions, aged 18 and above. If you are interested and willing to...

SPUC – 23rd Oct 18

SPUC has produced postcards so that you can send a message urging your MP to vote against a dangerous Abortion Bill which is coming up in the House of Commons on Tuesday, 23rd October 2018. The Bill seeks to decriminalise abortion which would remove any effective...

New Secretary

We are happy to announce the appointment of our new secretary, Breege Chapman, who has been settling and will be available for you from now on during office hours.

Message from Stefanie

Thank you, everyone, for your lovely cards and messages. During the time of handover, I hope that you will experience the least disruption possible in your requests and needs. I will still be around in the parish, on and off, till the end of December.