A very blessed and happy Christmas from Father John

Dear Friends, what does it take to run a Parish?

Welcomers, Collectors, Counters, CaFOD, Readers, Musicians, Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Drop in Cafe, Enquiry Class, Flower Arrangers, Church Cleaners, Caterers, Catechists, Justice and Peace, Churches Together, Prayer of Intercession Writers, Gardeners, Maintenance/Health and Safety, Parish Pastoral Council, the Hall Management Team, the Youth Team, the various Prayer Groups, EPH’PHA’THA — Be Opened, Taize Prayer and Hymns, Holy Hour for Vocations, our Sick and Housebound, Filipino Rosary Crusade, The Poor Clare Sisters, Sister Aine Costello SN, Mgr David Forde, Canon Anthony Dolan, Deacon Martyn Swaby.

This is what it takes to run a Parish, an enormous amount of dedicated volunteers and good will!

I would like to pay tribute to each and everyone of you who work so hard throughout the year to make this Parish the warm, welcoming and vibrant Parish it is. To each one of you who gives to the service of God and his Church I say, ’Thank You’. To all our Parishioners, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for the warm welcome you gave to me on my arrival as your Parish Priest. I wish each of you a very blessed and happy Christmas and the choicest blessings of the Christ Child for 2018.

Peace, Fr. John