Rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary 29th March 2020

The great Rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary – Sunday March 29th 2020 – being led from Our Lady’s Shrine in Walsingham at 12 Noon by Mgr. John Armitage, the Rector.

It will also be led by our Bishops from their Cathedrals, where possible, and many now how a live stream set up. So do check out your Diocesan websites so that you can join and support your Bishops in prayer.  11.15 am – St Barnabas Cathedral Nottingham led by Bishop Patrick McKinney
at the time of global emergency. You will need to check the timings. Many of your Parish priests will also be leading the Rededication prayers so also check out your own Parish websites.
You need to print off the two Rededication Prayers from this link:
Here you will find … The Personal Angelus Promise and the Act of Entrustment of England as the Dowry of Mary and the links to the pdf downloads. They are attached for you to print off so that you can pray the prayers.

EWTN GB will share the Rededication livestream to the EWTN global Facebook stream which is over a million big but it won’t be broadcast on the satellite which means it will not be on EWTN TV.
EWTN GB have been a wonderful help to get the Rededication Message out. Thank you!

To spiritually prepare the Rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary.
Let us intensify our prayer in these three days for our England and all Nations during this time of great crisis:
1. Join the Shrine live stream for Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and much more – pray especially for all our priests and bishops, for those in Government & leadership and for those on the front line & in our NHS
2. Pray the Rosary as never before for Our Lady of Walsingham’s intentions for England her Dowry
3. Invoke the intercession of the English Saints and Martyrs through praying the Litany
4. Make a solemn individual Act of Contrition/Repentance before God. – A suggested Act of Contrition is attached.
5. Pray for the Conversion of England and for the conversion of all Nations and peoples.
You will find the Litany of the English Saints and Martyrs on the website –

You will find encourage from our Bishops –

Please share this email with those who may appreciate it.

Our Lady of the Rosary pray for us, St. Jospeh, terror of demons intercede for us.
St. Michael and the Angels defend us.