Gospel Thought for Today 23rd September Memorial of Saint Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest

Gospel:  Luke 9:1-6

Jesus summoned the Twelve and gave them power and authority
over all demons and to cure diseases,
and he sent them to proclaim the Kingdom of God
and to heal the sick.
He said to them, “Take nothing for the journey,
neither walking stick, nor sack, nor food, nor money,
and let no one take a second tunic.
Whatever house you enter, stay there and leave from there.
And as for those who do not welcome you,
when you leave that town,
shake the dust from your feet in testimony against them.”
Then they set out and went from village to village
proclaiming the Good News and curing diseases everywhere.

The Gospel of the Lord.

The Mass intention is for Mary Bull RIP.


In today’s Gospel, Jesus sent out His Twelve Apostles “to proclaim the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick”. Normally, if one is sent on a mission, he would bring something for the journey. However, Jesus’ instruction was “Take nothing for the journey”. In other words, the Apostles would depend on the goodness of God and the goodness of people. Such dependence has been observed by any follower of Jesus. Take for example the missionaries who brought Christianity to the four corners of the world or the mendicant orders such as the Franciscans (of which our Poor Clare sisters belong to) and the Dominicans. Proclaiming the Good News and bringing Christ’s healing to people can be challenging. While some would welcome it, others would be hostile to it. St Pius of Pietrelcina (aka Padre Pio) was flocked by pilgrims in his convent in San Giovanni Rotondo (Italy) to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and of the Eucharist. It was said that he wrestled with the devil in his cell. Despite his popularity, he was suspected as a fraud.  Nevertheless, he entrusted himself to the Virgin Mary. He once counselled “Pray, hope, and don’t worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and he will hear your prayer.”

  • How much do you trust God?
  • Have you considered being a volunteer in the parish? Why or why not?
  • “Let all our concern be to love God and be pleasing to Him, paying no attention to all the rest, in the knowledge that God will always take more care of us than we can say or imagine.” (St Pius of Pietrelcina) What keeps you living your faith?

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your Word today. Through the prayers and example of Padre Pio, help us to put our trust in You so that we may faithfully spread Your Good News to others. Amen.

