Gospel Thought for Today Saturday 30th January Saturday of the Third Week in Ordinary Time

Gospel:  Mark 4:35-41

On that day, as evening drew on, Jesus said to his disciples:
“Let us cross to the other side.”
Leaving the crowd, they took Jesus with them in the boat just as he was.
And other boats were with him.
A violent squall came up and waves were breaking over the boat,
so that it was already filling up.
Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion.
They woke him and said to him,
“Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?”
He woke up,
rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Quiet! Be still!”
The wind ceased and there was great calm.
Then he asked them, “Why are you terrified?
Do you not yet have faith?”
They were filled with great awe and said to one another,
“Who then is this whom even wind and sea obey?”

The Gospel of the Lord.

The Mass intention is for Mark Olusa RIP.


The growth of any community will not be complete without any violent storms like what we read in today’s Gospel. The Church has experienced these since time immemorial: persecutions, corruption, schisms, clerical sexual abuse, etc. Some members have lost faith and left the Church. Despite these storms, the Church still stands up to this time. Why? As Jesus was in the boat that was tossed by the storm, He continues to be in the new boat – the Church. Servant of God Luis Maria Martinez once commented, “Jesus has not gone away, nor will He ever leave, because love, strong as death, never departs, and its divine ardour cannot be extinguished by the torrents of our ingratitude. Jesus continues to live in the soul to whom He pledged love, because His name is “Faithful and True” (Revelations 19:11). He sleeps sweetly in the soul which belongs to Him.” We may be under the weather right now, but we are not alone. Have faith.

  • “Jesus slept in my boat, as was his wont. But how rarely souls will allow Him to sleep in peace. Wearied with making continual advances, our good Master readily avails Himself of the repose I offer Him…” (St Therese of Lisieux). In the eye of a storm, will you allow Jesus to sleep in your boat? Why or why not?
  • “I prefer a Church which is bruised, hurting, and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security.” (Pope Francis). How far will you go to live your faith?
  • How does the faith of the Virgin Mary challenge you to become a better Christian?

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your Word today. Through the prayers and example of Mama Mary make us faithful for You are faithful. Amen.